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Rewall 28R Acoustic Floor Insulation Panel

Rewall 28R Acoustic Floor Insulation Panel

Rewall wall soundproofing is a CE marked, laminated panel, consisting of a plasterboard base lined with one sound absorbing polyester fibre sheet and then one high-density rubber sheet.

It is ideal for applications on existing walls, where acoustic restoration or renovation is necessary. The panel has high thermo – acoustic insulation properties, is practical to install and environmentally friendly because it is produced from recycled and regenerated materials.

Rewall wall soundproofing was specifically developed for domestic partition and separating walls, it is applied directly to existing walls using screws and without the need to remove any existing plaster or plasterboard from existing masonry or stud walls. Rewall  can be used to acoustically reinforce existing block or cavity walls and ceilings for restoration purposes.

Rewall is part of a family of rubber and polyester fibre products, created with eco-compatible technologies and production processes that allow for more than 92% of recycled and/or regenerated materials to be used.


  • CE Marked
  • Only 40mm thick
  • Sound Insulating
  • Thermal Insulating
  • Fire Rating – Euro Class B-s1, d0 (UNI EN 13501-1: 2009)
  • CE Marked
  • Contributes towards LEED accreditation in several areas
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Long Term Stability
  • Easy installation

Rewall 33B & 40 is suggested for use as acoustic and thermal insulation as follows:

  • Thermal and sound insulation improvement of masonry partition walls
  • Thermal and sound insulation improvement of ceilings
  • Lining existing walls without the need for conventional metal or timber stud.


Techincal Details

 Features Unit Rewall 33B Rewall 40
Thickness EN 12431 mm 33 40
M2 / Roll or Sheet m2 2.4 2.4
Dimension (m) (l x w) EN 822 m 2 x 1.2 2 x 1.2
Plasterboard size /td> mm 12.5 12.5
Transmission Loss (Rw) EN ISO 10140 EN ISO 717-2 dB 55 63
Density EN 1602 kg/m3 100 800 / 100
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient λ EN 12667 W/mk 0.688 0.761
Weight kg/m2 kg/m2 11.5 18
Weight per Roll / Sheet (kg) kg/m2 27.6 43.2
Sheets / Pallet QTY To Order To Order
Reaction to fire EN 13501-1 B-s1, d0 B-s1, d0
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