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Stywall Acoustic Isolation Strip

Stywall Acoustic Isolation Strip

Stywall Acoustic Isolation Strip is an acoustic bearing strip for improving the acoustic performance of wall structures. Impact noise as well as airborne noise propagate themselves through the structure of the building in the form of vibration and will transform themselves into re-irradiated noise in the rooms nearest to the noise source. An efficient solution to block this transmission of vibration noise is to separate any structural wall with Stywall acoustic isolation strip.

The Stywall under wall bearing strip is designed to increase the noise-insulation power of walls and improve the impact noise insulation of floors. Stywall prevents flanking noise transmission which can be responsible for as much as 3-4dB loss in performance of acoustic materials.


  • Long term performance and stability over time
  • Will not collapse under high point loads
  • 3mm and 6mm thick
  • up to 400mm in width
  • Extremely easy to be installed
  • High acoustic and vibration insulation
  • Eco-compatible

Stywall is perfect for insulation in the following applications

  • Under partitions
  • Under stud walls
  • Under block walls
  • Under dividing partitions between different flats or apartments.

Stywall Acoustic Isolation Strip is an acoustic bearing strip for improving the acoustic performance of wall structures. Impact noise as well as airborne noise propagate themselves through the structure of the building in the form of vibration and will transform themselves into re-irradiated noise in the rooms nearest to the noise source. An efficient solution to block this transmission of vibration noise is to separate any structural wall with Stywall acoustic isolation strip.

The Stywall under wall bearing strip is designed to increase the noise-insulation power of walls and improve the impact noise insulation of floors. Stywall prevents flanking noise transmission which can be responsible for as much as 3-4dB loss in performance of acoustic materials.

Stywall Technical Information

Description Unit Stywall S Stywall Pro
Nominal Thickness mm 3 6
Length mm 2000 750
Width mm 100 – 400 100 – 330
Overall Superficial Mass kg/m² 2.19 4.8
Density kg/m³ 730 800
Colour Black Black
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